segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2015

Coconut cake

Este bolo é muito fácil e rápido de se preparar.

É muito bom, especialmente para quem gostar de côco.

Vai precisar de:

125g de manteiga
6 ovos
300g de açucar
200g de coco ralado

Comece por derreter a manteiga. De seguida, misture a manteiga com o açucar, os ovos e com o coco ralado.
Quando tiver uma massa macia, leve a cozer a 180º por cerca de 20 minutos.

No final pode pulvilhar com algum coco ralado para decorar o bolo.

Bom apetite!

This cake is really easy and fast to cook.

It's very tasty, specially for people who love coconut.

You're going to need:

125g butter
6 eggs
300g sugar
200g of grated coconut

Stat by melting the butter. Then mix it with the sugar, the eggs and the grated coconut.
When you have a soft dough, bake it for 20 minutes at 180º.

At the end, you can dust with grated coconut for a better presentation.

Bom apetite!

quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2012

Chocolate Mousse with whisky

This way is not the most common way to prepare chocolate mousse but is really tasty!

To prepare it you'll need:

200g of cooking chocolate
4 eggs
250g of sugar
200ml of cream
One tablespoon of butter
One small glass of whisky

You start by melting the chocolate in water bath. At the same time you mix the butter with 150g of sugar using a electric mixer and, when they are mixed, you add just the 4 yolks without stopping the electric mixer and you just stop when all the 3 are completely mixed. Next, separately, you mix, again with the electric mixer, the 4 eggs whites with 50g of sugar to make stiff pikes.
Separately you beat the 200 ml of cream with another 50g of sugar.

Now, you mix the melted chocolate with the butter, the yolks and the 150g of sugar that you have previosly mixed, making a chocolate mixture. After it you add involving (not mixing) the stiff pikes followed by the cream with sugar. Finally you add a small glass of whisky. Leave it in the fridge, it's better to eat it fresh.

Bom apetite!

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012


Açorda is very popular in Portugal and is really simple to prepare. Quantities in this recipe varies slightly according to the tastes of each one. You'll need.

peeled shrimp
1 or 2 garlic cloves
olive oil

You start by filling the bottom of the pan with olive oil and the garlic. When the garlic stays brown you should remove it. Now is time to add water, peeled shrimp, coriander and salt. When it starts to boil is time to add the bread. Mix everything and add one egg per person, at least. You can also mix or not the eggs, like in the pictures. After it you just need to wait 5 minutes and it's ready to eat.
If you don't like the flavor of the coriander you can simply replace it by parsley.

Bom apetite!

sexta-feira, 27 de julho de 2012

Fried Ice cream

This recipe is not traditionally Portuguese, but I think that it should be in my blog.
it's called fried ice cream and we can say that the name says almost everything.
You'll need the following ingredients:

-Loaf of bread without crust
-Ice cream, the flavor you want
-Tempura flour (thin)
-Panko/Chapelure (Thick Tempura flour)

You'll also need:

-Food wrap film

First of all, you need to knead the loaf of bread without crust. After, you just need to wrap the bread around the ice cream and wrap it all again using the food wrap film and roll out the tips before putting in the freezer, as shown in the film. You need to let it in the freezer until it freezes.

The one in the left is the Panko and
the other is the tempura flour
The 3 bowls


When it's frozen, you mix some tempura flour with little water in a bowl and put some tempura flour and some Panko/Chapelure in other bowls, each one in one bowl. Now you're ready to start frying. You should now remove the food wrap film and involve first with the tempura flour, next with the tempura flour with water and finally with Panko/Chapelure before start frying. after it, you should fry it in the fryer and when it becomes yellow it's ready do eat. It should be consumed immediately after frying.

Bom apetite!

segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2012

Baba de Camelo (camel's drool)

This is another dessert typically Portuguese.
It's really easy to cook. You'll need:

- 1 can of condensed milk already boiled

- 6 eggs

You start by mixing very well the condensed milk with the 6 yolks.
Separately you beat the 6 eggs whites into stiff peaks.

The third step is to shuffle everything.
Now, it's ready to go to the fridge.
If you like, you can add on top some almond, walnut or grated wafer.
It should be served cold.

Bom apetite!

domingo, 22 de julho de 2012

Leite Creme (milk cream)

Esta é uma sobremesa tipicamente portuguesa. É muito rápida e facil de cozinhar.
Demora menos de 30 minutos para preparar e apenas precisa de:

- 6 ovos, apenas as gemas

- 1 litro de leite

- 3 colheres de sopa de farinha de milho

- Casca de limão

- 1 pau de canela

- Açucar a gosto, na minha opinião, cerca de 4 ou 5 colheres de sopa é o ideal

Em primeiro lugar, mistura o leite, a casca de limão, o pau de canela, o açucar e as 6 gemas numa panlea. Pode então levar a panela ao lume, no mínimo.
À Parte, misture bem a farinha com um bocado de leite. Assim que a farinha estiver dissolvida, adicione-a à panela anterior sem deixar de mexer tudo. Deve continuar a mexer até que comece a ferver. Quando comerçar a ferver, deixe assim durante cerca de 1 minuto e depois está pronto a servir.
Pode-se comer quente ou frio.
Também fica bastante saboroso se polvilhar com canela.

Bom apetite!

 This is a typical Portuguese dessert. It's really fast and easy to cook.
It will take less than 30 minutes to prepare and you just need:

- 6 eggs, yolks only

- 1 liter of milk

- 3 tablespoons of corn flour

- Lemon peel

- 1 cinnamon stick

- Sugar to taste, around 4/5 tablespoons is the ideal in my opinion

First, you mix in a pan before puttin on the flame, the milk, the lemon peel, the cinnamon stick, the sugar and the 6 yolks. After it you can put the on the flame, in the minimum power.
Separately, you mix very well the corn flour with a little milk. When the flour is dissolved in milk, add it in the previoust pan and continue mixing everything. You need to mix it until it starts boiling. Leave it boiling for something like 1 minute and after it you can turn to a platter or to small blows.
Can be eaten it hot or cold.
You can also eat it with cinnamon, it's really tasty.

Bom apetite! 

Portuguese cuisine

In this blog I'll try to show all over the world some of the best dishes of portuguese cuisine and how they can be prepared.
This way, I want to spread a little of my culture sharing, at the same time, the wonderful portuguese food. 
I'll present several kinds of soap, meat dishes, fish dishes and desserts. Some of theyare well known from north to south of the country, other are not so traditional but are also used nowadays in Portugal.
My aim is that my blog can be used as an encyclopedia for portuguese cuisine all over the world.

I hope that you all enjoy

Bom apetite!